The unhinged joy and high angst of hitting modern adolescence with full force is explored with honesty, clarity, and passion in Thirteen. The story follows the transformation of Tracy (Evan Rachel Wood), who begins as a promising, pig-tailed student still playing with teddy bears and Barbie dolls. When Tracy enters the hyper-sexualized, peer-pressure cooker of junior high, she witnesses the power and hipness of Evie Zamora (Nikki Reed, co-writer of the script), who has become widely known as “the hottest chick in school.” Ultra-popular, model-gorgeous, and bewitchingly snobby, Evie represents everything Tracy suddenly wants, and needs, to be.
Directed by:
Catherine Hardwicke
Holly Hunter, Evan Rachel Wood, Nikki Reed, Brady Corbet, Jeremy Sisto, Vanessa Hudgens, Kip Pardue, Sarah Clarke, Jenicka Carey, Deborah Kara Unger, D.W. Moffett, Cynthia Ettinger
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Unlock a world of first-access sneak peeks from our iconic movies, behind-the-scenes content, score awesome merchandise and more! All are delivered straight to your inbox. Get ready to experience Searchlight Pictures films like never before.
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The unhinged joy and high angst of hitting modern adolescence with full force is explored with honesty, clarity, and passion in Thirteen. The story follows the transformation of Tracy (Evan Rachel Wood), who begins as a promising, pig-tailed student still playing with teddy bears and Barbie dolls. When Tracy enters the hyper-sexualized, peer-pressure cooker of junior high, she witnesses the power and hipness of Evie Zamora (Nikki Reed, co-writer of the script), who has become widely known as “the hottest chick in school.” Ultra-popular, model-gorgeous, and bewitchingly snobby, Evie represents everything Tracy suddenly wants, and needs, to be.
Directed by:
Catherine Hardwicke
Holly Hunter, Evan Rachel Wood, Nikki Reed, Brady Corbet, Jeremy Sisto, Vanessa Hudgens, Kip Pardue, Sarah Clarke, Jenicka Carey, Deborah Kara Unger, D.W. Moffett, Cynthia Ettinger